Welcome to the Intercultural Game Night. Here is the map where you can find all the games we offer. Take a look at the descriptions and choose what fits you. Our game masters will clarify you the rules, just join us! Scroll down to find some descriptions of the games.

- Jungle Speed is a party game. You have to react fast to grab the totem in the middle. The goal is to get rid of all your cards, you need to recognize matching figures or colors and quickly grab the totem.
- In Ubongo, you have to create a given pattern with some puzzle pieces you have, the fastest player wins.
- In 6 nimmt you have cards with numbers, and the goal is to have the least minus points at the end. All player simultaneously add their cards to the corresponding row, but if there are too many already, you have to take the cards and get the minus points.
- In Meow!, you try to enter a cult of cats by following all of their strange rituals, e.g. make the noise of an animal, put the card on your shoulder and so on. Because everybody wants to enter, all players have different instructions, the first player who follow all the instructions can enter the cult and is the winner.
- 10 Commandments is a card game somewhat similar to Uno, but with different rules how to play your cards. However, there will be some extra rules in the game, for example don’t say “hello”….. the rules are added while you are playing your cards, so you need to train memory and concentration.
- In Love Letter, you want to talk to the princess to win her heart. However, thhe others try to do so too, so you try to be the last person close to her. You have one card in your hand, and each turn you draw another one from the deck to decide which of the two to play. The cards have abilities to learn about other player’s cards, force them to draw a new card, eliminate them from the round etc.
- Wizard is a card game, You are a wizarding student trying to influence your future to be the best. It is played with numbered and colored cards and you need to predict what will happen in the round in order to play your cards. The better your prediction, the more points you will score.
- In Sushi Go!, you are eating sushi and you have to prepare the best combination of dishes. It is a deck-building game and you play in rounds. Each round you pass your cards to your left player and you keep one card. Every round you also play one card, this is how you build your deck. At the end you score and the person with the most points wins.
- In Bohnanza you are planting, trading and harvesting beans. You sell the harvested beans to get gold. The player with the most gold wins.
- In The Mind, you try to establish telepathy with your team in order to play cards in the correct numerical order. You cannot communicate at all with the other players: you only see which cards you have, so you have to be intuitive to know when to play a card.
- In Codenames, you play in two cooperating teams. You try to communicate the locations of secret agents by only giving a single word as a clue in order to communicate as many locations as possible at the same time.
- In Medium, you are a mentalist and try to synchronise with the person you are playing with. There will be two words, for example water and sun. Both players have to think of something that connects those words (for example summer) and on the count of three, they say it out loud. If you say the same word, you get points.
- In Just One, one player of your team needs to guess a word. The other players give clues, but duplicated ones are eliminated, so you have to give unique clues, but not too weird that they cannot be guessed.
- In Herd Mentality, you have to think alike, like a herd of cows. So, you will receive questions and you have to answer by guessing what the majority would say. You get points if you are part of the majority.
- In Funemployed, you are in a job interview for weird jobs and try to convince your employer that your equally weird skills make you a good fit for the job. Whoever is the most creative with their applications wins the job.
- In Dream On!, you have to build the story of a dream with your team. You play cards with pictures on it, and you have to memorize the whole story.
- A Fake Artist Goes to New York is a semi-cooperative game. All of you have to create a drawing of a word together (for example owl). However, one player is a fake artist and does not know what you have to draw. This person tries to hide from the other players. The goal is to guess who is the fake artist.